3 Months to FIT!

11 Oct

Fall Special!

3 Moths to FIT!

25% Off!

New Members get unlimited access to classes and to the gym!

For only $215!

You won’t find a better deal in Denver. Come in today or call (303) 757-3328!


25 May

CFF will not have Monday classes (Body Rock & Cole Fusion Energy Cycle) due to Memorial Day! The club will be opened for members with entry-access only!

Thank you for your understanding and have a memorable Memorial Day!


22 Mar

ColeFusion Network –

We are actively looking for a new TRX instructor to add a class during the evening.  Please contact Jessica at 303.757.3328 if you know of anyone that might be interested.

Thank you!


02 Mar

An exciting and dynamic class which utilizes bodyweight based exercises, core strength and plyometrics to challenge your inner ninja! This class is taught by an American Ninja Warrior competitor – great fun!warrior

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