08 Oct

Hello members and friends, it’s been a while and lots changes have been made here at Cole Fusion Fitness! We’re featuring Spinning classes as one of our new offerings. This is no ordinary class, we call it ColeFusion Energy Cycle! Our main bikes are the state of the art Keiser m3s, these bikes are absolutely out of this World, come experience them on your next visit to the gym.

Morning Bootcamps are also back at 5:45am Mondays, Wednesday’s and Fridays. This time we started to weigh and measure our participants to see how they fare at the end of the 8-week course!

We also are having our Annual Pink Week, in support of the Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Yours truly was chosen as a Pink Tie Guy this year. With that being said, we are going to need all the support and help from you to help fight and eradicate this awful disease. The week of the 19th, we’re asking all our Members to wear something PINK in support of Breast Cancer and on the 24th we plan to have a 12hour KICK FOR A CURE, this are going to be variations of classes, we ask you to donate to each class you participate in and better yet, test your fitness and see how many classes you can take!!! Refreshments will be served afterwards!

As you can see, our efforts here at the gym is never dull, so come be part of a community.

Wishing you all the best in health,

Stay fit,

Frankiefrankie pink

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